Vegetation Health


What is Vegetation Health product?

A Vegetation Health Map shows the spatial distribution of photosynthetic activities from plant within an area of interest. The map is produced using proprietary algorithms to take advantage of the spectral, spatial and temporal attributes of coarse, medium and high spatial resolution satellite imagery.


How is the information used?

The Map can be imported into a hand held GPS for field scouting to rapidly locate problem areas (stress) within the fields (generally at low and high plant vigor) and to take action through fertilizer, irrigation or herbicide application after the cause of the problem is identified. The map can be calibrated to derive total biomass, percent of vegetation cover and chlorophyll index. It can also be used as a mask to determine areas without vegetation.


Product Value

Vegetation plays a significant role in the ecosystem balance and health and quantifying and accurately monitoring conditions in a timely manner is critical to optimum management.  Current vegetation management strategies are based on drive-by observations because there is too much area and too few resources for intensive monitoring. GeoSpatial Partners’ Vegetation Map is used to plan scouting programs by identifying potential problem areas within the area of interest, usually indicated by extreme plant vigor areas (low and high) on the map. The scout is then directed to those extreme areas to quickly identify the cause (soil fertility, irrigation, insect or pest) of the anomaly, thus saving time and money.  Calibrated to vegetation attributes such as total biomass, Leaf Area Index (LAI) and chlorophyll index, the map can help vegetation managers device strategies for increased health and diversity.  The map can also be used to support fertilizer, irrigation, pest and herbicide application decisions.





How to Request Vegetation Health Map?

Call GeoSpatial Partners at (303) 513 0092